The University of Delaware Water Resources Center (DWRC), established in 1965, is one of the 54 National Institutes for Water Resources (NIWRs) at land-grant universities in the 50 states, District of Columbia and island territories of Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The DWRC receives funding through Section 104 of the Water Resources Research Act of 1984, which was originally signed into law by Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1964. The U.S. Geological Survey administers the provisions of the Act and provides oversight of the nation’s Water Resources Centers through the National Institute of Water Resources (NIWR).
As a member of the NIWR, the DWRC has two key missions related to Delaware’s water resources – our precious ground water aquifers and our streams, ponds, lakes, and coastal waters:
- To support research, education, and public outreach programs that focus on water supply, water management, and water quality – issues of considerable importance to Delaware citizens who are concerned about the future of our water resources. We are specifically charged with the “exploration of new ideas that address water problems or expand our understanding of water-related phenomena”.
- To foster and support training and education programs for the future water scientists, engineers, managers, and policy-makers who will lead the water resources research, planning, and management efforts in our state in the future.
Related Resources
- UD WRC FY2025 Work Plan (pdf)
- University of Delaware Water Resources Center (DWRC) Flyer, March 2024 (pdf)
- DWRC Brochure 2023 (pdf)
- DWRC FY23 Work Plan (09-21-22) (pdf)
- DWRC Strategic Plan, (07-04-22) (pdf)
- DWRC FY22 Work Plan, (07-01-21) (pdf)
- University of Delaware Water Resources Center (DWRC) Brochure (05/2021) (pdf)
- University of Delaware Water Resources Center (DWRC) Flyer, (05/2021) (pdf)
- Delaware’s Water World (pdf)
- DWRC Brochure, (09/2018) (pdf)
- DWRC FY21 Work Plan (pdf)
- DWRC FY19 Work Plan (pdf)
- University of Delaware Water Resources Center celebrates Golden Anniversary (1965-2015), SPPA Connects Vol.1 No. 8 2016 (pdf)
- Governor Elect Transition Team Economic and Environmental Policies, G.J. Kauffman, (12-14-16) (pdf)
- Strategic Plan for the University of Delaware Water Resource Center, Draft (12/2016) (pdf)
- University of Delaware Water Resources Center (DWRC) Flyer, (06/2018) (pdf)
UD Research Magazine
- A coastal beauty, UD Magazine, UDaily (March 2023) (pdf)
- Report puts Delaware River Basin’s health in focus (UDResearch 2009) (pdf)
- A river runs through it (UDResearch 2010) (pdf)
- Delaware Estuary a $10 billion asset (UDResearch 2011) (pdf)
- Sea Level Rise Americas flattest state prepares for the future (UDResearch 2012) (pdf)