One of the primary goals of the Delaware Water Resources Center (WRC) is to disseminate research results to water managers and the public. In keeping with that goal, the WRC has sponsored and co-sponsored conferences and training events, and many publications have been developed to communicate the findings of WRC sponsored research. Below is a listing of publications, including journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, and fact sheets, as well as conference proceedings, which have resulted from WRC funded projects since 1992. For information on publications funded or conferences held before this time, contact the WRC Director, Dr. Jerry Kauffman.
Searchable Database –
Book Chapters:
Sparks, D. L., S. E. Fendorf, P. C. Zhang, and L. Tang , 1993, Kinetics and Mechanisms of Environmentally Important Reactions on Soil Colloidal Surface, In: D. Petruzzeli and F. Helfferich (eds.) Migration and Fate of Pollutants in Soils and Subsoils, NATO ASI Series G, Vol. 32, Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Journal articles:
- Hodny, J.W. and J.R. Mather, Climate Change and Water Resources of the Delaware River Basin, Climatology Series , Vol. 48, No. 1.
- Pautler, M.C. and J. T. Sims. 2000. Relationships between soil test phosphorus, soluble phosphorus, and phosphorus saturation in Delaware soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 64:765-773.
- Balascio, C.C. 1999. “The characteristics of multi quadric equations and other surface-fitting techniques for rainfall interpolation and estimation” in preparation for submittal to ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.
- Vadas, P. A. and J. T. Sims. 1999. Phosphorus sorption in manured Atlantic Coastal Plain soils under flooded and drained conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality 28:1870-1877.
- Vadas, P. A. and J. T. Sims. 1998. Redox status, poultry litter, and phosphorus solubility in Atlantic Coastal Plain soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 62:1025-1034.
- Shi, B., H.E. Allen and M.T. Grassi , 1998, Changes in Dissolved and Particulate Copper Following Mixing of POTW Effluents with Delaware River Water, Water Research, 32, 2413-2421.
- Shi, B., H.E. Allen, M.T. Grassi and H. Ma , 1998, Modeling Copper Partitioning in Surface Waters, Water Research, 32, 3756-3764 .
- Shi, B. and H.E. Allen, 1997, Effect of POTW Effluent Discharges on Copper in Receiving Water, Keystone Water Quality Manager, 30(2), 10-15. Grassi, M.T., B.
- Shi and H.E. Allen, 1997, Sorption of Copper by Suspended Particulate Matter, Colloids and Surfaces, 120, 199-203 .
- DiVincenzo, J.P. and S.K. Dentel, 1996, Sorption-Desorption of 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene on Soil: Anionic Surfactant and Cationic Polyelectrolyte Effects, Journal of Environmental Quality, 25, 1193-1202.
- Chitikela, S., S. K. Dentel, and H.E. Allen, 1995, A Modified Method for the Analysis of Anionic Surfactants as MBAS, Analyst, 120, 2001 – 2004.
- Dentel, S.K., J.Y. Bottero, K. Khatib, H. Demougeot, J.P. Duguet, and C. Anselme, 1995, Sorption of TRannic Acid, Phenol, and 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol on Organoclays, Water Research, 29, 1273-1280.
- Rao, C.S., S. K. Dentel, and H.E. Allen , 1992 , Impacts of Surfactants on Sludge Management Processes, Division of Environmental Chemistry Society, ACS, Extended Abstract Preprint, San Francisco, 918 – 921 .
- Chengwei Fang, Fall ’99, Ph.D. Dissertation. Mechanisms of enhanced organic contaminant degradation in the grass rhizosphere. University of Delaware, Newark, DE
- Svetlana Wilson Fall ’99 M.S. Thesis. Effect of biosurfactant and bacterial co-inoculation on phenanthrene fate and transport in soil: batch and column studies. University of Delaware, Newark, DE
- Shirey, Janet A., 1999, M.S. Thesis, The Effects of pH and Redox Potential on Arsenic Availability from Fly Ash and Fly Ash Amended Soils, Dept. Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Hodny, J.W., 1998, Ph.D. Dissertation, Water Resources of Delaware: A Climatic Water Budget Microanalysis, University of DE, Newark, DE.
- Petaccia, M.J., 1998, M.S. Thesis. Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Assess the Lithologic Heterogeneity of a Sand and Gravel Aquifer, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, 220 pg.
- Hamilton, Christina M..,1998, M.S. Thesis, Arsenic Mobility in Delaware’s Waste-Amended Soils: Water Quality Implications, Dept. Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Chitikela, Srinivasarao, 1996, Ph.D. Dissertation. Role of Surfactants in Sludge Dewatering and Pollutant Fate, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Tang, Liya , 1996, Ph.D. Dissertation. Kinetics and Mechanisms of Pesticide Adsorption-Desorption on Soils and Soil Constituents, University of DE, Newark, DE.
- Bowen Wang , 1994 , M.S. Thesis. Ground Water Modeling for Wellhead Protection in Newark, DE, University of Delaware.
- Hodny, J.W., 1992, M.S. Thesis, Climate Change and Water Resources within the Delaware River and Delmarva Regions, University of DE, Newark, DE.
- Shi, B., Fate and Effects of Metals in the Aquatic Environment: Evaluation for POTW Effluent Discharges and Metal Partitioning in Surface Water, University of Delaware.
Fact Sheets:
- Leytem, A.B. and J.T. Sims, 1999, “Nutrient Management for Delaware Agriculture, Developing a Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan” Fact Sheet NM-02, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Sims, J. T. and P. A. Vadas. 1997. Nutrient management strategies for the profitable, environmentally sound use of phosphorus. Fact Sheet ST-08. College of Agricultural Sciences and Cooperative Extension. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Sims, J. T. and P. A. Vadas. 1997. Soil test phosphorus status and trends in Delaware. Fact Sheet ST-09. College of Agricultural Sciences and Cooperative Extension. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Sims, J. T. and P. A. Vadas. 1997. Use of phytase and low-phytate corn to increase phosphorus availability in poultry feed. Fact Sheet ST-10. College of Agricultural Sciences and Cooperative Extension. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Sims, J. T. and P. A. Vadas. 1997. Nutrient management planning for poultry-grain agriculture. Fact Sheet ST-11. College of Agricultural Sciences and Cooperative Extension. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
- Sims, J. T. and P. A. Vadas. 1997. Value added products from poultry wastes: Alternatives to land application. Fact Sheet ST-12. College of Agricultural Sciences and Cooperative Extension. University of Delaware, Newark, DE.
Conference Proceedings:
- DWRC Student Research Conference, February 9, 2001 For more information, click here.
- Kauffman, Gerald. 1999. “The Christina Clean Water Strategy Progress Report“. Interstate Initiatives for Clean Water in the Christina Basin, June 17, 1999, Delaware Nature Society, Ashland.
- Chang, J.S., D.K. Cha, M. Radosevich, and Y.Jin. 1999. “Mineralization of phenanthrene in the presence of biosurfactants produced by Rhodococcus erythropolis”. In Hazardous and Industrial Wastes, 31st Mid-Atlantic Industrial and HazardousWaste Conference Proceedings.
- Mather, J.R., and J.W. Hodny, 1999, Climate Change and Water Resources of the Delaware River Basin, Association of American Geography National Meeting (The Pennsylvania Geographer to publish paper on same topic in the Fall of 1999), Honolulu, HA.
- Sims, J.T. January 1999, “Nutrient Management for Water Quality Protection“, a four day educational and training program co-sponsored by the DWRC for agribusiness leaders, farmers, academia, environmental and natural resource agency representatives.
- Sims, J.T., October 18 – 22, 1998, “Regulation of the Application of Organic Amendments to Soils Based on Phosphorus: Status and Future in the U.S.” (Results of DWRC sponsored survey of State restrictions on phosphorus in their land application of biosolids programs). American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America annual meetings, Baltimore, MD.
- Sims, J.T., November 1998, DWRC sponsored seminar on the federal “Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations“, Newark, DE
- Balascio, C.C. , D.J. Palmeri, and H. Gao. 1998. “Use of a genetic algorithm and multi-objective programing for calibration of a hydrologic model” in TRANSACTIONS of the ASAE, 41(3), Minneapolis, MN, pages: 615-619.
- Vadas, P. A. and J. T. Sims. June, 16-19, 1998. Modeling agricultural phosphorus export from a coastal plain watershed in the United States. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Practical and Innovative Measures for the Control of Agricultural Phosphorus Losses to Water. Foy, R.H. and R. Dils (eds.). Belfast, Northern Ireland-UK. p. 194.
- Vadas, P.A., and J.T. Sims. October 18-22, 1998. Modeling phosphorus exports from an Atlantic Coastal Plain watershed dominated by intensive animal agriculture. In Agronomy Abstracts, American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. p. 337.
- Dentel. S.K. and S.H. Ko, 1998, Sorption of Trichloroethylene on a Surfactant Modified Smectite Clay, Poster presentation American Geophysical Union, 1998 Spring Meeting, Boston, MA.
- Vadas, P. A. and J. T. Sims. 1997. Amending Atlantic Coastal Plain soils to reduce agricultural phosphorus losses. In Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Branch of the American Society of Agronomy, College Park, MD. p. 9.
- Chitikela, S., and H.E. Allen, 1997, The Role of Surfactants in Wastewater and Biosolids Treatment Processes, WEFTEC ’97, October 22, 1997, Chicago.
- Shirey, J. and J. T. Sims, 1997, Redox Effects on Arsenic Release from Weathered Fly Ash Amended Soils, Agronomy Abstracts, p. 331.
- Shirey, J. and J. T. Sims, 1997, Effects of Natural Weathering on Form and Solubility of Arsenic from Coal Fly Ash and Fly-Ash Amended Soils, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Branch of the American Society of Agronomy, College Park, MD, pg. 5.
- Shi, B. and H.E. Allen, 1996, Copper Partitioning in the Aquatic Environment: Its Change During the Mixing of Delaware River and POTW Effluent, Proceedings of 69th Annual Conference and Exposition, Water Environment Federation , Wastewater Treatment Research (I) and Municipal Wastewater Treatment (II), Vol. 1 , Dallas, TX , 305-315 .
- Ritter, W.F. and R.W. Scarborough, 1996, Cropping Systems on the Delmarva Peninsula to Reduce Groundwater Contamination, ASCE North American Water Environmental Congress, CD-ROM, Annaheim, CA.
- Hamilton, C. M. and J. T. Sims, 1996, Effect of Reduction and Re-oxidation on Arsenic Sorption and Desorption from Waste-Amended Soils, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Branch of the American Society of Agronomy, p. 10 .
- Shi, B. and H.E. Allen, 1995, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability: Critical Evaluation for POTW Effluent Dischargers , Proceedings of the WEF Specialty Conference on Toxic Substances in Water Environments: Assessment and Control, Part 5, 11 – 22.
- Hamilton, C. M. and J. T. Sims, 1995, Influence of Reduction and Re-oxidation on Arsenic Desorption from Soils and Wastes , Agronomy Abstracts, p. 350.
- Hamilton, C. M. and J. T. Sims, 1995, Considerations on the Methods of Determination of Arsenic in Soils, Sediments, Organic Wastes and Coal Fly Ash, Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Branch of the American Society of Agronomy, p. 9.
- Chitikela, S., and H.E. Allen, 1994, Effects and Fate of Anionic Surfactants used in Household Cleaning Products, 26th Mid-Atlantic Industrial Waste Conference, August 7, 1994.
- Tang, Liya, and D. L. Sparks, 1994, Adsorption-desorption Kinetics of Atrazine on Vermiculite using a Stirred-flow Technique, Soil Science Society of America Meeting Agronomy Abstract, Seattle, WA p. 25 .
- Tang, Liya, and D. L. Sparks, 1993, Adsorption-desorption Kinetics of Atrazine on Soil Constituents, Soil Science Society of America Meeting, Agronomy Abstract, Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 237.