Mission | Background | Christina Basin Facts | Watershed Governance | Existing Uses | Innovative Watershed Financing | Water Quality Trading | The Partnership | Implementation | Reports

During 2009, the Water Resources Agency (WRA) propose to reenergize and reinvigorate the Christina Basin Clean Water Partnership (CBCWP) with the goal to restore the streams to fishable, swimmable, and potable status by 2015.  Plans are to employ a full-time watershed-governance structure to be coordinated by the WRA in Delaware and the Chester County Conservation District/Chester County Water Resources Authority/Brandywine Valley Association in Pennsylvania. WRA proposes to contribute $50,000 annually to this effort for the next six years. 

Proposed watershed governance initiatives include:

  • Hold bimonthly progress meetings in West Chester, Pa., and Newark, Del.
  • Provide quarterly progress reports from stakeholders on implementation of reforestation, restoration, agriculture-conservation, and pollution-control projects.
  • Increase public education and outreach program.
  • Finalize an interstate watershed-restoration plan by merging the Delaware Pollution Control Strategy and the Chester County watershed plans.
  • Sign an interstate-watershed MOU between Delaware and Pennsylvania.
  • Hold a Christina Basin Caucus in 2009 for chief executives from over 60 municipal, county, and state governments in the Christina Basin.
  • Fold the CBCWP into the structure of the Partnership for the Delaware Estuary.