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Search Term(s): Quercus alba   (1 record found)

Beech Family
Quercus alba  (white oak)   
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Carex Section
Meaning of Scientific Name
Quercus: Latin name for Oak genus; alba: white
Native Plant
Life Form
Perennial Tree
Phenology (Flowering Period)
Physiographic Province
☑ Piedmont
☑ Coastal Plain

County Distribution
☑ New Castle
☑ Kent
☑ Sussex

State Status
Piedmont Status
Coastal Plain Status
Global Rank
Federal Status
Geographic Affinity
Species at Limit of Distribution
☐ Northern
☐ Southern

North American Distribution (Non-indigenous Species)
Coefficient of Conservatism
Invasive Watchlist
Global Origin (Non-native Species)
Wildlife Values
Oaks are host plants for a very wide variety of moths and butterfly's; acorns provide food for many woodland wildlife species, including turkey; if bark is shaggy and exfoliates, such as with white oak, it can provide roosting sites for bats; oaks grow tall, are long-lived and can have large trunk diameters, which increases the probability of natural cavities for wildlife to use for shelter and nesting.
Wetland Indicator Status
Medicinal Properties
Part used: Bark. Topically used for capillary bleeding, athlete's foot, burns, bruises, nosebleeds, and open sores; as a mouthwash for periodontal disease, and in a sitz bath for episitomy incisions and hemorrhoids. Internally used short-term for diarrhea, dysentery, or gastric bleeding.
ID Notes
Additional Info
Quercus alba will hybridize with Q. michauxii, Q. montana, and Q. stellata.
Habitats in which this plant occurs
Ancient Sand Ridge Forest
Forest Interior (Non-tidal Wetland Piedmont)
Forest Interior (Non-tidal Wetland Coastal Plain)
Forest Interior (Upland Piedmont)
Forest Interior (Upland Coastal Plain)
Upland Forest (Chestnut Oak Woodland)
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