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Search Term(s): Morella cerifera   (1 record found)

Bayberry Family
Morella cerifera  (Southern bayberry)   
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Myrica cerifera L.;M. pusilla Raf.
Carex Section
Meaning of Scientific Name
Morella: most likely a diminutive of Morus, the Mullberry genus; cerifera: bearing wax
Native Plant
Life Form
Perennial Shrub
Phenology (Flowering Period)
Physiographic Province
☐ Piedmont
☑ Coastal Plain

County Distribution
☑ New Castle
☑ Kent
☑ Sussex

Inner-dune swales, edges of brackish marshes and rivers, swampy woodlands
State Status
Piedmont Status
Coastal Plain Status
Global Rank
Federal Status
Geographic Affinity
Species at Limit of Distribution
☐ Northern
☐ Southern

North American Distribution (Non-indigenous Species)
Coefficient of Conservatism
Invasive Watchlist
Global Origin (Non-native Species)
Wildlife Values
Host plant for Calycopis cecrops (Red-Banded Hairstreak Butterfly).
Medicinal Properties
Part used: Root Bark. Used internally as a tea or tincture for sinusitis, post-nasal drip, head colds, diarrhea, and colitis. Topically used for bed sores, as a mouthwash for periodontal disease, cold sores, and in a sitz bath for hemorrhoids and episiotomy incisions. An infusion of the leaves is used topically for fungal infections.
ID Notes
Additional Info
Species is dioecious.
Habitats in which this plant occurs
Beach and Dune Habitats (Interdunal Wetlands, herbaceous, shrub, forested)
Beach and Dune Habitats (Shrublands)
Beach and Dune Habitats (Forests and Woodlands)
Brackish Tidal Shrub Wetlands
Freshwater Shrub Tidal Wetlands
Peat Wetlands (Acidic Fens)