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Search Term(s): Juniperus virginiana   (1 record found)

Cypress Family
Juniperus virginiana  (eastern red cedar)   
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Carex Section
Meaning of Scientific Name
Juniperus: from the Latin juniperus, classic name for the genus; virginiana: of or from Virginia (U.S.)
Native Plant
Life Form
Perennial Tree
Phenology (Flowering Period)
Physiographic Province
☑ Piedmont
☑ Coastal Plain

County Distribution
☑ New Castle
☑ Kent
☑ Sussex

Old fields, edges, open woodlands, abandoned ground, sterile soils
State Status
Piedmont Status
Coastal Plain Status
Global Rank
Federal Status
Geographic Affinity
Species at Limit of Distribution
☐ Northern
☐ Southern

North American Distribution (Non-indigenous Species)
Coefficient of Conservatism
Invasive Watchlist
Global Origin (Non-native Species)
Wildlife Values
Host plant for Callophrys niphon (Eastern Pine Elfin Butterfly) and Mitoura grynea (Olive Hairstreak Butterfly), and the juniper berry is an important winter food source for many bird species, such as the cedar waxwing.
Wetland Indicator Status
Medicinal Properties
Parts used: Chips, Volatile Oil. Chips internally used as a tea for upper respiratory tract inflammation with thick mucus, genitourinary infections, rheumatism, dysmenorrhea, and amenorrhea. Chips used to make a topical ointment for minor skin inflammation, scabies, genital warts, and as an insect repellant against moths. Oil is a counter-irritant and rubefacient, used topically in ointment or linament form for neuralgic and rheumatic symptoms. Caution: not for use during pregnancy or lactation.
ID Notes
Additional Info
Species is dioecious.
Habitats in which this plant occurs
Beach and Dune Habitats (Shrublands)
Beach and Dune Habitats (Forests and Woodlands)
Early Successional Herbaceous Upland Habitats (Piedmont Native Grassland)
Early Successional Shrub/Brush Upland Habitats (Piedmont Old Field)
Early Successional Shrub/Brush Upland Habitats (Coastal Plain Old Field)
Serpentine Grasslands
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