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Search Term(s): Hypericum prolificum   (1 record found)

St. John?s-wort Family
Hypericum prolificum  (shrubby St. John's-wort)   
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Carex Section
Meaning of Scientific Name
Hypericum: from the Greek hyper (above) and eikon (picture), the plant was hung above pictures to ward off evil spirits; prolificum: very fruitful
Native Plant
Life Form
Perennial Shrub
Phenology (Flowering Period)
Physiographic Province
☑ Piedmont
☐ Coastal Plain

County Distribution
☑ New Castle
☐ Kent
☐ Sussex

Cultivated and a rare escape to disturbed ground, and likely planted at Brandywine Creek State Park where it is locally abundant
State Status
Piedmont Status
Coastal Plain Status
Global Rank
Federal Status
Geographic Affinity
Species at Limit of Distribution
☐ Northern
☐ Southern

North American Distribution (Non-indigenous Species)
Native to New York, west to Michigan and Minnesota, south to Georgia
Coefficient of Conservatism
Invasive Watchlist
Global Origin (Non-native Species)
Wildlife Values
Wetland Indicator Status
Medicinal Properties
ID Notes
Additional Info
Only extant population in Delaware is found in a natural area on a former estate and was most likely planted, and is historically known from only one site, a railroad embankment.
Habitats in which this plant occurs
Seepage Slope Open Canopy Non-tidal Wetland (Piedmont)
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